How much do braces cost in england?
I'm 16, i've left school but am at college on a full time course.
However, i don't mean the traditional metal brace i mean the ones that are like a mould and clear plastic, on my lower set of teeth. Would this be free or cost a lot?
The NHS isn't free to everybody now. Criteria has changed. It depends which category you fall into. Group 3 is borderline, could be free, could have to pay private. If you fall into category 4 or above then it is free. Unfortunately, my daughter was in one of the lower categories and is undergoing treatment now. The total cost of her brace is £2700. I had a quote from another orthodontist of £4600 for the same brace. Some orthodontists are alot more expensive for private treatment than others, you just have to shop around. You cannot get a clear brace on the NHS fullstop. The NHS will only pay for what is needed. My son is a category 4 and I get his treatment free. But, he has to have a metal brace. If I want a clear one, I pay privately or go without. Hope this helps.
Related Answer
if you're on the NHS free. if you go private then you have to pay however much they say. [source: Yahoo! Answers]
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